

A knights encounter
Lost and alone I wandered
This accursed earth,
I wish only for a life much grander
In the next rebirth.

For an immortal knight
with no purpose nor will,
I seek nothing more
but a glorious death still.

Until I came across a dame
Who was suffering and more,
Fighting each day to live
as if she was fighting a war.

She faced each day fearlessly
In order to survive,
For the protection of her family
and for their future to thrive.

She didn't need scars
From spears nor swords,
For the scars in her heart
were inflicted by words.

The arrows she faced
were but words of discouragement,
But nothing they said
could waver her commitment.

For within her
roared a fighting flame,
and none could
defeat this fearless dame.

As I witnessed her life
with each passing day,
I had found a new purpose
To live life a different way.

She gave me the will to live
and showed me a world much brighter,
For I had found my new purpose
To fight all battles beside her.

© KJ Petaia