

Love with no strings,
it's so pure it's difficult to find,
you may not even find it in family but in that someone you least expect,
there's a choice to keep hoping,
hoping that one day,
you'd be looked at with the purest form of love ever known and you'll wonder what you did to deserve such,

Until then we'll look up to the sky and shed our tears into the dark,
let her suck it up and savor the salty taste of our pain,
hide our shame and bask in our naked flaws,
one day shall we smile,a smile so genuine,
brighter than the sun himself,
and then we'll put to rest all the armors we've used to protect our insecurities,
we'll rise and we'll shine,
we'll make a toast and tell a tale,
of how the grim reaper almost had a lick of our soul.
© Nehita baht