

Icarus And The Angel
I was there Icarus and I flew hard to catch you reckless youth,
Your gorgeous honey blond hair matted with seaweed in truth,
Tanned flesh cold to the touch as I lifted you back up into the air,
A lifeless spirit still numb absorbing the folly of your dare.

Oh your cheeks were flushed and every wild Icarian salty wave
Had bruised and battered you, dragged you down to your grave,
I am your carrier, yes I have the wings you thought of as real,
Sleep while you can son of Greece before your new life I reveal.

My muscles strain and you're a dead weight not feather-light,
In your head you are still sinking but I shall soon put that right,
Higher and higher we're climbing through clouds and sky,
Up towards the heavens where the good of heart come to die.

Our energies syncing at the close contact of an ethereal being,
Those sea-glass eyes awake and you can't believe what you're seeing,
And I smile and calm him my words ambrosia to fearful lips,
I ignore the pain and hold him softly despite how tight he grips.

On the air comes the cries of Daedalus a father's woeful distress,
Icarus leaps to respond and catches me too slow I confess,
For he plummets too quickly and panics topling in rotation,
Then in his urgency he feels that glorious rising sensation.

And I take him in my arms and help him till he realises he has wings,
How he laughs and incredulous his whole body adapts to the things,
They are golden and cream against the white of my own,
I say "It's okay, Icarus I'm here to finally take you home."

Still impetuous, still a handsome callous lad caught in the fun,
He thinks he's still fleeing Cnossus and his escape isn't yet done,
But I keep him close and will guide him best I can to endless skies,
He shall know, come to grow, and in his ascendency joyously rise.

© .Garry Saunders