

I Don't Know
I don't know what is going ont
I don't know what to say
All these emotions from dust til dawn
And I can't make them go away

I just don't feel like myself
I want to cry my eyes out
I wish I could put these thoughts to sleep
The ones that fill my head with doubts

I don't feel like I am good enough
For any person in my life
It is so hard to continue trying to be tough
Even with all this troubled strife

I feel like I'm letting every one down
The more I try to succeed
The more I feel lke I'm about to drown
I just can't seem to get in the lead

The thoughts on how I look at myself now
I don't like what I see in the mirror anymore
It's got me questioning how
How can I get back to the woman I was before

Before likfe got its' hold on me
Like I'm strapped to chains
I wish I could just break free
Feeling like I'm going insane

One of these days my inner demons will leave
But until then I don't know what to say
And I won't even grieve
When all these emotions finally go away.
