

"Life After School "

In school's embrace, we learned to thrive,
In friendships strong, we felt alive.
But as we grew, we faced the test,
Of leaving youth, to join the rest.

With each passing day, maturity grew,
But oh, the struggles, they came too.
No more the safety of classroom walls,
But life's complexities, where duty calls.

From carefree days to adult plight,
We journey on, through darkest night.
Yet in our hearts, those schoolyard dreams,
Fuel the fire, despite life's streams.

For though we stumble,
and though we fall,
In every trial, we stand tall.
For school taught us more than books could tell,
It prepared us for life's intricate spell.

So as we navigate this winding road,
With burdens heavy, and hearts bestowed,
We'll hold dear those memories,
bright and clear,
For in them lies the strength to persevere.