

" My Love Sight"
While Simply Discussing about love,
I forgot to write my note.

Feeling and thinking about Love,
Is like getting a shock
With which someone's mind gets knock.

I felt everything with love,
And all the things did me hug.

What is the loves power?
Many important things like making, building, finding, feeling, and experiencing are done with the love,
which in actual is the only Over Power

Love is omnipotent
And one who do selfless love becomes very important.

Love has unlimited powers to quench ones thirst , like the water falling continuously from the infinte tap,
So due to love, ones I forgot to eat to feel my stomachs gap.

Love makes one forget their tense ,
To feel the loves pleasure in them with their sense.

Love is like the Nokia mobiles snake game, which has no end.
And love dwells definately in everones heart,soul and name
which never makes one threatened.

Love is the home of life,
Like the Home for the bees are their hive.


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