

Lost Souls
Lost souls.

We have lost the real meaning of life.
Not to mention love.
Fooling each other by fake smiles.
So amazing how time flies.

We still have to choose husband's and wives.
In a generation full of lies.
Misleaded by pride.
All they know is acting like Bonnie and Clyde.

Girls are throwing away their dignity,
Just for passenger sits in fancy rides.
But they still want to be brides.
But can't deffriciate Mr Wrong & Right.

A generation that falls in love,
For the wrong reasons.
It's either loneliness,sexual desire or money.
But they out here acting like their lives are tidy.

Busy living their lives to impress friends.
Living by trends.
Look at how stupid boys can be dads.
Damn! This is so sad.

Boy from the Hood.