

Who am I?
Who am I?
I could be anyone, I could be anything,
I am the abyss, the void of endless possibilities,
I may be the final sip of intoxicating beer,
Or the ripple in an infinite ocean's expanse.
I could be the weight that breaks the widow's resolve,
The common man's last flicker of hope.
I might linger as an unhealing wound,
A cat's quiet mystery,
The mediator of two hearts',
A fine line between life and death's grasp.
I become the night that veils a transgression,
Or the morning that exposes an intruder.
I am the key that unlocks hidden treasures,
Or the secret guiding you to Pandora's box.
A concealed smile, masking the unknown,
I am what I choose to become.
© Beelpoet