

We are like the dandelions, scattered on the breeze
Blown hither and thither, with no set decrees
We strive to find our place in this mortal coil
Hoping and praying to find soil to toil

But even as we labor and seek our way
We find beauty in the simple pleasures each day
Like the warmth of the sun on our upturned faces
The caress of the wind in our tresses and embraces

We are like the dandelions, steadfast and true
We withstand the trials, the heartaches, and the dew
We press on, no matter what fate may bring
For we know that we are meant to sing

So let us be like the dandelions, wild and free
Embrace the journey, and let our spirits be
For we are meant to flourish, and not just endure
And together, we can seek out love's allure.

© Kanunay, Hilary.