

A Marriage Deconstructed
Marriage, a pact of old, a sacred vow,
A bond designed to shield and to endow.
But as we delve deeper, its core we find,
A flawed construct, no longer aligned.

A union built on duty, not on love,
A promise forged from fear, not from above.
Chains that bind, expectations that weigh,
A contract that stifles, day by day.

No more a sanctuary, a haven of bliss,
But a cage that traps, a prison of this.
Love, once vibrant, now withered and cold,
Replaced by routine, a story untold.

The institution of marriage, once revered,
Now stands as a relic, its flaws unobscured.
A system designed to control and contain,
A shadow of its former, now obsolete and plain.

It stifles the growth of the human soul,
Conforming hearts to an artificial whole.
It breeds complacency, a stagnant state,
Quenching the fire that once ignited and elate.

In a world where diversity blooms so grand,
Why should we confine love to one narrow strand?
Why should we limit our hearts to a single frame,
When there's a tapestry of connections to claim?

Love knows no bounds, no rules, no decree,
It flows freely, like a boundless sea.
It defies societal norms, breaks every mold,
Untethered by tradition, it will never grow old.

So let us shatter the chains that bind,
And embrace a love that's truly kind.
Let us redefine the notion of a "pair,"
And celebrate the beauty of love everywhere.

For in the tapestry of human connection,
There's a symphony of souls, a divine collection.
Let us dance to its rhythm, free and unbound,
And leave the institution of marriage behind.
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