

Designed to Love You
I was designed to love you, but --
Betrayal arrived with my first breath;
I committed treason on a cosmic scale
And for that my sentence is death.

I was designed to love you --
Molded clay from which I stand,
But I destroyed your masterpiece --
From Paradise to a wasteland.

I was designed to love you,
So I worked to gain your favor,
Then I molded gold into a calf
And glorified in all my labor.

I was designed to love you,
But I left you like a prostitute,
And wallowed with the swine
Until I was stubbornly destitute.

I was designed to love you
But I spat slander in your face,
Pounded the nails into your hands
And disregarded your embrace.

I was designed to love you, and --
Although you drew me to your waters
And I followed you out of the boat,
I denied you over, and over, and over.

A mystery from the beginning:
I was blind to your eternal view,
But because you loved me first
I am redesigned to love you!

© David A. Douglas