

September's Song
September's song cool as good champagne

Come September summer comes to a boil

Dog days of August please bring black rain

Here in this shop the smell of sweat and oil

I hear the blades of grass being mowed

Droning last sounds of the lawn mowers

The scents of grass summer last blowed

Our grinding of the machines in here

The Boring mills, Bridgeports and CNCs

The last rose of summer is very well near

Its sun shines through mist all she sees

Inside outside she sings in the wind I hear

Nowhere is within the time inside me

Nowhere is without this place where I stand

August winds blow in first leaves blow in free

Through the grind in this Machine Shop

The drones begin to awaken in my hand

Angels begin to sing my writing hand can't stop

Children of the Sun join in and fills the land

The sound of it all I envision a sea of people

For the screams of it all I want to sing out

Bloody sweaty work boiling blood shades of red

Blue collar madness what's in between to shout

Rock stars and the Harlots pure scarlet bleed

Those seeds inside me blasting from the radio

Leather and madness mistresses and lace

Smoke and mirrors of life what may she show

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