

Today is Poetry Day!
and there is so much to say
from the beauty of the lakes
down to all human race.

let me dance in the
stream until the
hurricane steams my toes
this is where I belong
and it makes me strong.

we flood our thoughts
in words to arouse
the  malefic of our
giuld for a better
shape of manhood.

Fate with a poet today
in truth an unlike species
world of lidless slumber
encroach with deep mentation
hearing and reciting of sentiments
a world of critics and technique
with high selfless and emptyness
It's a world that has it all
And it always stand tall.

Poetry is a tree
of striking thoughts
that spills the mind
all of the time
since then and now
It hold on to it crown
It's a world that has it all
And in it we stand tall.

© Mohamed G Dumbuya
21st March 2021.