

Heartbreak: A Blessing in Disguise
You broke my trust and betrayed me
And left me drowning in the sea
You took away my faith and love
And made me feel like I can't breathe

But from the depths of my agony
A new wave started to rise
A tide of power and confidence
A surge of freedom and pride

I swam up from the storm of our love
And saved myself anew
I found a voice I never used before
And a vision that is clear

You thought you had silenced me
But you only made me loud
You gave me a chance to speak up
And to stand out from the crowd

You reincarnated me by heartbreak
And I respect you for the test
For without it, I would not have grown
And I would not have expressed

You lied to me and cheated on me
And left me in the dark
You took away my honesty and loyalty
And made me feel like I'm a mark

But from the shadows of my misery
A new light started to glow
A spark of truth and integrity
A blaze of honor and glow

I walked out from the trap of our love
And freed myself anew
I found a value I never had before
And a dignity that is due

You thought you had fooled me
But you only made me wise
You gave me a chance to be honest
And to see through your lies

You reincarnated me by heartbreak
And I appreciate you for the lesson
For without it, I would not have learned
And I would not have improved

You hurt me and abused me
And left me in the cold
You took away my kindness and compassion
And made me feel like I'm old

But from the chill of my despair
A new warmth started to spread
A heat of love and empathy
A fire of care and sympathy

I ran away from the pain of our love
And comforted myself anew
I found a heart I never shared before
And a soul that is pure

You thought you had broken me
But you only made me whole
You gave me a chance to love again
And to heal my soul

You reincarnated me by heartbreak
And I love you for the gift
For without it, I would not have grown
And I would not have lived.

© JosephMk