

Break down that wall
When shall that wall,
that you have builded around you,
when wull that wall be going away.
All is it just a few bricks of it.
That the lightness can come in.
That wall, builded with feelings of
quiltyness and feelings of fear.
That wall makes it almost impossible
to live in a normal way.
I have tried to reach you,
But you don't let me help you.

I must find a way to get trough that
wall, because you will only punish yourself
to keep that wall so high.
At one day you will be broken,
that feelings of lonelyness will be too much.
You are wearing a mask.
And it's not needy because I care about you
and never abuse your feelings you can trust
me, please let me help you, to pull down that
wall, so that I can be a part of your life.

Your life is too precious to live in this kind
of way, your life can be so much better with
pleasure and joy, and above all this, love.
Let me come closer to you.
Talking with you is all that I wanted too.
You are to worthy to live your life this way.
At one day I be standing next to you, and
I will see a glimp of the old you, the way
that you always have been. You have lost
yourself along the way. Let me help you
finding yourself back. Than you can be
happy again, when you can get the broken
pieces of yourself together again. I would
be so happy than, if you can reach that.

I would be so proud of you, old friend
of mine, to see you in a good state of mind.
And you will looking around you, and sometimes
you get a smile on your face. And you will think;
life can be good, life isn't always that unkind.
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