

Pin Drop silence broken by hasty footsteps, and.
the pained creaking of the wooden gate.

The young girl with a cloak, walked in faster than.
the wind, smiled and said, "Sorry, I'm late".

The harshly cold night did nothing to deter the
warmth in her smile as she stood there all alone.

She reached and pulled out a white linen cloth
from her bag, and spread it across the stone.

She removed a grey candle and placed it on the
stone, under the skies of a tainted similar grey.

When it refused to burn, she chuckled to herself,
"Well, there's no more light in my life anyways."

She pulled out a single crimson rose, and lay it out
across the flawless white sheet.

"Why the stone face?" She laughed and said, "My friend, I've been looking forward to all this week".

For the next few hours, she spoke to the stone, with enthusiasm, laughing & talking as if under a
seductive spell.

But after a point, her voice begun to quiver,
silence spreaded as her eyes started to swell.

She waited for the silence to sink into her soul, as
her eyes tried to blink out the welled up tears.

She stared at the tombstone in front, wishing she
could've done something to increase blissful
living years.

She remembered when this silent was non-existent, when the sound of her laughter filled up
the room.

Unlike the candle on her grave did now, she loved
how her grey eyes danced to dispel the gloom.

Nothing could save her from the sorrows now,
and none could take the unbearable grief away.

"I wish you weren't so cold sometimes", she said,
as the wind sends shivers down her ghosted spine.

She got up slowly and quietly kissed her grave,
"I'll be back for you in a week's or month's time."

The footsteps faded into the distance, as the old
wooden gate creaked to a still.

Her grave once again receded into peace,
surrounded by deathly silence, and her soul into
a not so eternal peace.
© Willows