

Stolen Morsel
A stolen morsel more precious than gold,
A stolen shirt to keep out the cold,
There is no price to hunger,
There is no price to shelter,
There is no price to kindness

In a world where riches are often sought,
Where material possessions are dearly bought,
There's a truth that shines through the haze,
A truth that cannot be measured in praise.

A stolen morsel, a humble meal,
To a hungry soul, it's a priceless deal.
A stolen shirt, worn to keep warm,
To the shivering, it's a shelter from the storm.

But beyond these stolen treasures, you see,
There's a value that surpasses all currency.
It's the price of kindness, pure and true,
A gift that enriches both me and you.

For kindness knows no bounds or divide,
It's a language spoken worldwide.
A smile, a helping hand, a gentle word,
Can heal wounds and make hearts soar like a bird.

In the darkest of times, when hope seems lost,
Kindness shines bright, no matter the cost.
It brings light to the weary, strength to the weak,
And in its embrace, love's power we seek.

So let us remember, in this world so vast,
That kindness is a treasure that will forever last.
No price can be placed on its worth,
For it's the essence of humanity's rebirth.
© Lily