

Light the lamps for the king returns,
Victorious and valiant,
In an eternal battle with,
A ten headed enemy...
Bringing them to their doom as prisoners,
And peace to His people.

Hear the crowd cheer for their king returns,
Falling petals and olive leaves fell above him,
To show their His Majesty their respect, love and thank,
To show him how great he is....
Against His Majesty's enemies,
And to revoke from being enslaved.

Bless thy Majesty more knowledge,
To rule His kingdom wisely,
Bless him more good wisdom,
So his words and laws will be obeyed...
By his people, the outsiders and his rivals,
That will avoid critical death to his kingdom.

Born or bor-not was the king to rule,
But with brain, talents, skills, and faith,
His remarks and actions provoked him the fate to rule,
His knowledge, wisdom and good deeds are the scepter...
That defines His Majesty's greatness in ruling,
That will bring peace and harmony to other kingdoms.

ALL HAIL THY KING ! All cries before thee,
For thy had united all into one,
ALL HAIL THY KING ! All cried unto thee,
For thy is the symbol of unconditional love to us...
So, praised are you by us, oh our king,
And be always blessed with love in return.

It is not crown with jewel stones,
That makes king a king,
But golden heart to all kind of people that makes a king,
But good gratitude to whom he rules makes a king...
So be unconditional love to see it,
So be unconditional love to feel it.

So let there be no bounds in becoming a ruler,
For one to stand out with greatness within thee,
But rather, only goodness from within thee,
Makes a real great ruler absolutely great...
So, provoke your own good perspectives,
To achieve the king thy King one was fated to be!

© Joshua 4333
© Joshua Segui