


Little by little,
As I watch it unfold,
Multiple images coalescing together,
Bright colors and fast moving motion,
Unable to grasp of what lies on the other side,
Terrifying and overwhelming,
The human mind unable to process the current moment,
Traveling in an instant,
Towards an unknown destination.

Regardless of belief,
Regardless of time,
Regardless of science,
No one in the land of the living,
Can fully ascertain as to what lies ahead of us,
When we leave this world of ours.

We can only ponder at this,
Juxtaposed to the words we built to provide an image for it,
A place of paradise,
A place of souls trapped within a shelter,
A place to settle in-between,
We can only believe what we want to believe on what lies ahead,
But how much more truth is there to it...
If we have finally found the truth of what really truly lies ahead?

© Renno B. Nel