

Vishnu’s Garden
Maya by name
Maya by nature
Illusionary and always separate
A teacher
I rewrote myself
Not knowing the outcome
Losing parts of me
Strangely making me whole
Is the illusion so futile
The true meaning of Love
Krishna would be proud
Loving me is not so bad
Am I, not my own servant
My own entry
A unique singularity
Constantly evolving
My body a fleeting vehicle
A means to an end
My soul immortal
Free from the wheel of life
Taking joy in my mistakes
The road to enlightenment
Not a path paved with gold
I attract all things
The dark one
Full of light
An avatar adorned in blue
It is no coincidence
Opulent splendour
Why not
It’s a state of mind
And how love is meant to be
A delicate mystery
Veiled in allegory
To be touched but never reach
Adorned in it
A glorious distance
The taste of bread
When smelt
Anticipation a beautiful lie
Self-awareness found
In detachment
Here equanimity is attained
In the balance between
The heart and the mind
A Nag Champa cleansing
Flowers meet the water
Divine placement
In Vishnu’s

the Dyslexic Poet™🎩
“your Ringmaster”

Original words and thoughts penned of heart & mind of:
©Warren Mace, A.k.a the Dyslexic Poet™

© All Rights Reserved