

To stand on another mountain peak.
One that is so much higher.
Oh how I wander and I seek.
How I've traversed that blazing fire.
A good time to practice what I preach.
No better time to inspire.
You'll never tell the truth and you'll always be a liar.
But I've become much better than that.

We wander around this earth, looking for anything, seeking anyone to devour.
No sympathy for our enemies, we truly battle with only the Dark and it's entities.
In every decision I make, every action.
Every word, every reaction.
A process well thought out, patience from years of pain and doubt.

I'm wandering in the woods, it's dark and cold outside.
There is no heat and my bones are dry.
I wander through this life with little but what's inside my mind.
It's do or die there's no turning back at all.
Either stand or fall.

Even in the worst of times I am aware of who I am, there's nothing above or below me that can take it away again.
What was true and real in the past will one day be again.
Even in these dark times, what we say and do matters.
In times like these it's our actions that determine Honor.

© Figuro