

Ashes Under the Children of Love's Feet, Explained
As the philosophy of provision shows that all survival narrows down to One Provider, and the universe is built on the system of giving and receiving, as the vision of the Provider shows clear that the Godhead is that Loving Provider, or as I like to refer unto Him as, the Spirit of the Love of Life.

Many things changed as the fall of humanity's trinity caused this present cosmos to be altered from the purpose of His creation, so now, we live in a Godhead created world, altered by humanity’s mistrusting God and recieving Satan's blame game for justice in becoming this present fallen world, because modernly undisputedly, humanity has been ruling the earth's future, by our will but mostly by the grace that God provided us all.

God only looked forward to see that many would return His kind of love from hearts created to function like His. Also, giving humanity its own sovereignty, authored by God to function like His sovereignty and choose to love Him back, without coming from Him any oppression or any force of our will to love Him back.

Then the very first commandment that He gives His intentions of all other commands that He has or ever will give, it was to be fruitful and multiply (Genesis 1:28).

In other words, being fruitful was bearing fruit with its seeds with whole spirit, soul, and body in the functioning likeness of the Godhead, and spreading that fruit of the Spirit, like unto how He spreads the fruit of His Spirit.

But, that one of a kind tree, the Tree of Good and Evil, better modernly called "the Tree of the Knoweldge of Postives and Negatives", which had pollen to pollinate the earth making it a paradise and later the fruit could have been purposed for populating the stars of heavens (since nothing was commanded to eat of it's fruit), having the knowledge of all things positive and negative to pollinate earth, or any other planet for that sake, so it would give all information to the plants and animals, and the humans of how to make the earth like the Garden of Eden.

Once, eaten by humans, it changed the way each gender's mind and body worked and caused many malfunctions down to the DNA level through both of their own body structure and purpose, and position of heart and mind at the time of indigestion of that mind alter fruit of the Tree of the Knoweledge of Positive and Negative; not to mentionthe environmental changes.

Except for the genetic wonder of Christ, everybody has, to a small or great degree, problems in the thinking process throughout our lives, with different approaches to loving others, and different levels of growth in them; all because of Adam and Eve eating that mind altering fruit.

Generation after generation has led upto this day, and the seventh thousand year approaches, with only the Father knowing the day and the hour, under His sovereignty.

So, after seeing the choice to destroy humanity or grant grace, He saw Noah, who was careful to deal with others righteously, and the Godhead was able to give humanity His passion, will, and purpose to be fruitful and multiply that fruit of His Spirit to have dominion over all the earth, once again.

Howbeit, with the free-will chioce available, it means we can choose to go in a different direction than God chooses for Himself, as the great I Am Who I Am, calling us, by Christ's example, to receive the Law of Love as the Laws unto themselves like Noah, Abraham, and Cornelius of the Bible.

The Source of Existence is the Spirit of the Love of Life, and His Son, Jesus, the Christ was and is the only Begotten of the Father, Being the Expressed Image of the Godhead Bodily. I said that to say, we all will have be returning ourselves unto God, and only the pure in heart will see Him as His the brightness of His glory, and the fire of His passion pass through us, and whatvis not like Christ, will be left to ashes.

To the Christian, this means parts of their growths will be burning up like wood, hey, and stubble; they shall suffer loss of different ways contrary to the Spirit of the Love of Life eternal ways. Howbeit, the parts that are like Christ, are purify like gold and silver, and this weight will be the deciding factors of our position in His Kingdom. In the which means, the more like Christ, the higher in His Kingdom, and the closer unto the Spirit of the Love of Life, Himself.
Nevertheless, the postion of the wicked shall have no position in His Kingdom and will all burn away like chaff of wheat, and be ashes under the feet of the Children of Love. Because they have not the passion, will, and purpose to love others as Christ loves the Church and God so loved the world that He sent His Christ to saved whosoever wills to love Him and work with Him, not against. Just say, Lord Jesus, I am willing, and if You can't say that, say, Lord Jesus, let me taste of Your understanding and cause enough love to become more real unto me, because I am willing to become willing for You.
Feel free to ask me any questions, I know these thoughts are new to most, and confusing unto others. God's blessings be multiplied upon You and Yours,
© Brother Stephen Scottt