

Where is your thinking?
Your way of writing represents you,
if when you think, you write—
do you write what you think…?

Speaking before you think is the usual truth, or…
I don’t know what causes, or who uses, the given view.
If we toss it, we choose the style, and in that style, how many?
When we decide to throw it, we direct our path; there are so many.

Choosing the structures and deciding who uses them—
it’s a garden of questions, the flowers shaped with figures,
figures that stand in the writings, letters detesting incoherence,
figures, with differences, madness, an adventure, like literature.

Where is your order…?

Here, the structures, ABAB, ABBA, AABB, AAAA—
they bring great peace; growth will expand goodness when tracing caviar.
Here, unable to be...