

The door to tomorrow,
Opens in the shadows of today,
So brush aside the path of sorrow,
And make your way no matter how narrow,
there were two routes to tomorrow
one filled with thorns and sand
and above a scorching sun
while the other wide and smooth devoid of stress,
filled with trees and fruits of different kinds
and then I plied a route
I treaded for days
stripped of any form of life
but I held on
never giving up
soon I was a moving corpse
in the middle of the desert
moving to my death
never a curve but a straight road
but yet I still hoped
cos I knew
something big was waiting for me
this tongue like road
will still emerge from it's closed mouth,
And then I'd know how sour my food will be,or as sweet as heavenly nectar
I kept on walking
above where vultures hovering
over me,waiting to feed at the very signs of death
but I was no meat
I have a future
a destiny to accomplish
and a reason for living till now
but that was just the sound of my hope
slipping away
I slumped ready to be feasted on
a willing prey
yet the birds of prey didn't come
and then I looked up
and saw the cloud gathering
a promise of rain
I jumped with glee
at each contact with rain water
I felt my strength coming back
like a dead human suddenly resurrected
I journeyed the more
but with a new found strength and agility
for the first time the road melded into a curve
another road leading somewhere
just a few step,
then I saw what eyes have never seen
wat ear have never heard
and what land any human have ever treaded
a place second to heaven
with no trace of humanity
but a man
then he looked upon me then said
if you had taken the fruitful road
you'd be the food to the hungry vultures
cos this world is intertwined.