

My dark side (Shadow)
Shadows walk behind me like a plague

Every step I take they follow

When I stop so do they

Never understood why shadows are so dark

I guess that's the other half of
"The Dark Side" as I would call it

My dark side is different compared to my bright side

As I stand before you people see happy and humble

A person who is ok with they way their life is going and can just go with the flow

Nothing bothers them

While the shadow (dark side) just follows

Sadden and depressed

Slowly trying to weigh down the happy and humble

Many times the dark side has won

But I have divided happy from sad

Looking at things different isn't so bad

My happy and humble appears more than my sad and depressed

At some point my dark side was sucking me in to the point I was almost invisible

But learning and how to prevent it I find solitude in expressing myself in words