

A neglected soul
Persons I once trusted the most
Now left me here in this eternal frost
Now darkness is my only best friend
I wish atleast it will never end
Now I'm traveling in my own darkest sea
Where there is no one except me
And I will never go to find the shore
Because I don't want anyone anymore
I just sit on the deck and love myself forever
And pray this light of black may leave me never
I let no moon to rise in this sad embrace
I let no dawn to take its place
Now I have overcome my all fears
Now I have dried my all tears
Now I have become so and so strong
Because I realized that I was not wrong
Now I know this darkness will heal
The deepest hurt in my heart that they did deal
And I know someday they will understand
And they will surely come to hold my hand
I know they will want to come again in my fate
But then they will be so late
Now I have gone to a immortal sailing
Sailing of life to live and to find
To find happiness in this dark which is prevailing
And to left the old painful memories behind
Through this sailing I will spend
The rest of my life
My sail will end
But this tale will be alive
© kuntal