

I just went through this garden to see -
Wondrous, joyous flowers of glee.
Some with odour as sweet and divine;
As to make you forget the evils of feline!
Flowers which strike a chord heartily,
That seems to be an ocean of ukulele.
Some which fade away with seasons-
While some have presence for zillions of reasons:
Like the one which made me recall
Of a striking one with no change at all.
Even some are there which makes me fly back through time,
When I ran after butterflies as pale as lime!
Jumping, hopping, dancing time and again-
How like a fairy I would wonder through this garden of Eden.
Flowers of love,flowers of laughter,
Flowers of memories of one after another.
Everyone has got their own tale to narrate.
While none go on to reiterate.
Flowers that make me embrace my memories
When I spend time with no weals and worries-
Still I see that girl ahead of me-
When I walk through the garden carefree.
I follow the girl but by that time,
I find myself at the end commiting a CRIME!
It might not be as silly as killing a bee;
But it's actually as losing the girl full of glee-
I have lost her forever and ever -
Trying to complete the RACE with a new endeavour!!

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