

You can do better than this!
Don't you ever start having the feeling of arrival because you're so good in a particular thing at one point in time, there are still rooms for improvement, you can be better than what you are now, only if you're willing to learn from the ones who surpasses you with knowledge on that particular task. There's more to life than your current success, never have the thought that you're already the best in that mission or task when you just even started.
You need more time to become the best in that field, get to be more experienced if you want to excel excellently, cultivate your *time* to practice well today for a better performance tomorrow because, it is the seed that will eventually yield the fruit called your *experience*.
This is why experience and consistency to practice more are still the upper advantages which will keep you on top back-to-back!. They are the keys that differentiate guys that play ball on the street and professional footballers, the difference always stands to be clear!

#Have a nice day😊

©️ *Adefemi Olajide*