

Questions and Conjecture,
Behold the pyramids, towering high,
A mystery that time cannot untie,
Built by hands we cannot trace,
Ancient secrets locked in their embrace.

Consciousness, a puzzle of the mind,
A riddle that we cannot unwind,
Despite the knowledge that we've gained,
Its depths remain forever unexplained.

What happens after we draw our last breath,
A question that has caused much distress,
Some say heaven, some say hell,
But the truth, no one can truly tell.

What killed the mighty dinosaurs,
A mystery that still endures,
Was it a comet or asteroid strike,
Or something else that caused their plight?

We search for answers, day and night,
With all our might, with all our sight,
Yet the more we seek, the less we know,
And the more we learn, the less we show.

We can study our tears with the most sophisticated equipment,
But we will never truly understand sadness, its depth or its shipment.

For the world is a puzzle, vast and complex,
And no matter how much we try to connect the dots,
We will always be left with questions and conjecture,
And the realization that some things we cannot measure.
© dougienever