

what were the instructions?
What were the instructions we were given?
Were they etched in stone or softly spoken?
Did they come with a warning or a mission?
Did we listen well or leave them broken?

Did they come in the form of a dream,
Or in the rippling of a gentle stream?
Did they speak of hope, or of despair,
And was there someone there to care?

Did they tell me to strive for success,
Or to embrace failure and learn from distress?
Were they a warning of dangers ahead,
Or a guide for me to be fearless instead?

Did they say to keep moving forward,
Even if the road is long and hard?
Or should I stop and wait a while,
And let my weary heart beguile?

Did they tell me to rise or to take a fall?
Were they a roadmap, a path to follow,
Or a mere suggestion...