

Paradigm Shift, part II
Native Plants
help bring native creatures back

I don’t know about you
But I’ve never thought about that

Do you know
your native plant varieties?

I did not, until I started reading
Doug Tallamy’s ‘Nature’s Best Hope’

The theme of this book
calls attention to this paradigm shift;

Taking out lawn grass
and adding back native plants
Fostering a natural connectivity
for your regions native species

What do you think about that?

If your home is on a
monarch butterfly migration path
Wouldn’t it be nice to have
A monarch rest stop
and a butterfly bath?

I am making to you a
Native Plant Paradigm Pledge
to take out 10^2 meters of yard grass
and adding back native plants
to help foster a natural connectivity
for my region’s native species

Would you like to join me in this pledge?
Would you help me with this native species resurgence?
Even a concrete patio can accept a native plant planter

I hope you have an opportunity to research your native plant varieties and join me this spring in this Native Plant Paradigm Pledge.

Wrote this poem a couple of years ago and can attest to the joy the wildflower garden has provided. During the Covid pandemic the creation of a simple wildflower garden with solar panel flowing water pond brought hummingbirds, butterflies, bumblebees, tadpoles, frogs, and many others native creatures. I’m looking forward to adding another 10^2 meters this spring 🦋🐝🌻🌼🪷🐝🦋🐛

A few species in the garden include: Coneflowers, Milkweed, Black-Eyed Susan, Gladiolus and a few straggler weeds. Also have decided to forgo lawn fertilizer and let the clover bloom. The honey bees appreciate this decision.

I hope flyers from my garden will soon reach your garden 🪴🙂🙏🏼