

You were my soul and your skin could be found in my blood.
You were the alpha and omega of my love script and the Pharoah of my heart.
Why have you slaughtered my joy in the midst of my enemies?
As you pointed the pointed sword toward the city of my heart,
My whole life fell on its invisible knees and pleaded in tears before your throne.
Yet, you disregarded the great moments we spent together as captivated couples.
You abandoned the affections we used to share in the midsummer night dream.

My love is now a residue, and hatred an ornament upon your heart.
You looked through my naked eyes which laid at the centre of the Pacific Ocean,
And pronounced a curse upon your life if I do not lie in the bossom of death.
You denied every single second sunlight scorched our heads in the midst if our daily routine.
In pride and bravery, you sauntered before me and stabbed the sword through my chest till it touched the bottom of my soul.
My voice echoed across the world, shouting your name in grief.

Before the whole world could realize, you had sold my life for ridiculous pieces of gold and a crown of fameless fame.
Now that you have soiled your white garment with my blood,
In your arms I must die.
For the betrayal of my joy and the murder of my soul all laid in my own hands.
Favor my body and let it lie in thy hands until my mission to dominate in your dreams is accomplished in the next century.
Trusting you on Earth was a priority but believing man in the grave is a faithful curse.

© Jay Lit