

Hubris, a Hollow Crown
To be the king of the damned, in essence, is to still suffer Damnation
If you manage to climb through the bodies of this crippled nation,
You might find that Crown of Ashes doesn't glimmer like you envisioned
Your desire intumescent, painfully obvious
Your opprobrious venom infecting
Does it get easier in your mind?
Do you notice the body count growing?
As history's shown there will be no attempt to rectify,
No Mercy
No Reason why,

Whoring for biased cheers of a brainwashed flock, anyone who doesn't see your vision must be the enemy
Must be dealt with accordingly, am I wrong?
You hide inadequacies by slandering opposition quickly, enamoring the sheep who thrive on beratement and bigotry
King of the Inept, can you turn your reproach around?
See how foolish you look now, with your Hollow Crown

© JGoicoechea