

In a world apart, I dwell alone,
A life so different, a tale so unknown.
Friends afar, with life so bright
While mine is shrouded in an endless night.

Their laughter echoes, a distant sound,
As I toil away, my heart weighted down.
No college life, no carefree days,
Just the burden of heavy responsibility's gaze.

Their paths are paved in gold and ease,
Mine is fraught with struggles, tears and pleas.
I work to survive, to make ends meet
While they swim in life's sweet treat.

Festivals pass, Occasions fade,
My life's the same in endless shade.
Ashamed and Scared to reveal my true self, I often hide;
Afraid to face their world, where I Don't reside.

Conversations differ like parallel lines
Our lives, a chasm, that seems to forever divide.
I'm lost in books, they're lost in fun
Their bubbly laughter, my silent tears undone.

They say I'm introverted, shy and alone
But fate, not choice, made me this way:
Envy creeps in, a constant guest
Yet, I yearn to rise, to prove my best.

I cling to these emotions, this present pain,
To fuel mu fire, to drive me through life's endless rain,
For in this darkness, a spark I'll find
To rise above, to leave the loneliness behind.

So let me hold on, to this heartache true
To remember, to cherish, these feelings anew;
For in it's depths, a strength I'll Discover
To rise, to shine, to make my own way, to hover.

© Enigma