

I know time and days pass
And also that at the end nothing really lasts
Only remains the memories
It keeps us reminding of the unpaid fees.

I heard punishment are like spears
But I have since overcome my fears.
I have already seen the extreme
My eyes watery with a red rim.

I am drowned till my neck
One more tear, it will be over me.
The whole world is beautiful and fringed
Only I and my life are ruined.

In the corner of a room
I feel my destiny.
For there brave souls try to
Fight with their own fouls.

In texts,scriptures and pictures
I heard that a poet needs pain.
Then let grief burst and rain.
For now I don’t measure gain.

I won’t take a step back
Cause I don’t have valour’s lack.
I ain’t a man to quit
For I feel distress sweet.

Pain and fear
Are like a hen and a deer.
But when pressure’s more
They turn in men and bear.

Then the world be cautious
To all the frozen tears
Designed to pierce,
Made of fat fed fears.

Hey , the sad mob
You have cried a thousand rivers.
There’s no need to sob
Just throw off your quivers.

A poet’s words aren’t a prophecy
But try to believe in “probably”.
I say that one day you will rise
For each moment’s failure makes you wise.

By-Agnik Biswas(Ignite)