

Not Just About Me
In a world where shadows cast their plea,
The sun of self must sometimes flee.
For in the grander scheme we see,
Everything is not about me.

The stars that twinkle, pure and bright,
Don’t chase my name through endless night.
The oceans' waves, the wind’s decree,
Dance on in timeless mystery.

The laughter of a child at play,
The silent dawn of each new day,
Are threads in life’s rich tapestry,
That weave beyond my vanity.

The mountains high, the rivers’ song,
The ancient tales where hearts belong,
All whisper truths beyond my plea:
Everything is not about me.

In moments when my ego fades,
And humble dawns eclipse my shades,
I find a peace that sets me free—
A truth that’s vast and wide as sea.

So let me walk this path with grace,
Embrace the world, find my own place,
And in the grandeur of the spree,
Rejoice that all is not about me.