

every page...
Turn every page till you reach the end,
Read every word before you press 'send'
tell me how much you love me
you'd never find another girl
that would replace me
I'm your entire world

then tell me how much I mean to you
and how you couldn't live without me
Al the things I want to hear
so I know how much you love me

then before you press send tell me the truth
how much I never meant
I hate to hear the truth

that you have someone else
whom you've given your heart
that I cannot be with you
and your sorry you broke my heart

tell me kindly that your sorry things didn't work out
but there is someone else for you without a doubt

although this will break my heart and I'll cry a million tears
I need to hear the truth now
I've been holding on for years

I will always love you
even though you love someone else
I need to hear these words
so I can try and find myself

so turn every page
until you reach the last
maybe then I'll be able to let go of our past

don't forget when your finished to press send
cuz this is what I need from you so I can make try and forget...

the end

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