

Magical season
The joy of the end of the year is always magical,

The children are all in laughter, busy playing and holding fireworks that bright up the sky,

It's always magical, the sound of the whole family together in laughter, the amount of joy that almost shatters the whole windows,

The clouds are always in favor of flavouring a hot cocoa, so hot it doesn't burn the body but warms the souls of the people that takes it, the smiles of people that drink it is always, magical,

The love angel, pours her soul out to the people and everyone is drunk in love , in love with themselves, in love with the neighbors, it's a time of outpouring love, truly magical,

The festival days are always in glamour, the presents are under the Christmas trees waiting to be opened by the owner, everyone has new things either in their wardrobe or office, a comfort deserving to be magical,

The new year peeps in like a new big present waiting to be unwrapped, ooooh the smile's to everyone that receives it, they can't wait to open it so they come together and do a count down untill it clocks 24hrs, then it's unwrapped and everyone is happy to just be there,

The magical dreams of everyone to reach the end of the year is always worth the wait, for it brings nothing more than love and pure magic and I always find my freedom.

© Mkay