

An Ode To Women
Women here, women there,
Once submitted to harsh treatment,
Once seen as fragile, weak,
An object to contemplate,
But today, like the Sun after its death,
Rises up in the morn,
So are women,
Yea, they March,
They stand, proud and tall...
Foolish world stand back,
And watch,
Watch them prance,
Changing the very fabric of time,
Erasing their shameful past,
And sauntering towards a better tomorrow,
They are indeed mighty and strong;
Strike a woman, you strike a rock!

Oh, what is the world without a woman?
They, with their strength, are a constant reminder of our humanity;
Women stand for peace,
Women stand for love,
Woman stand for passion...
For if the world had a soul,
It would have been a woman.

To all the women out there,
Old, young, and yet to be born.
© solum_orbis