

Wake-up , Wake-up, you know you can't stay, it's time for you to go. I know, why you came.
I told you why, you can't be here. You're not my life you never told me about your wife.
I took a chance on you only to find this out about you.
It's not fair that you used me unaware. I can't do this with you she knows your here.
You meant a lot to me and now I don't care, I let you brake my heart. You broke it into shards. I can't even touch it the ends are to sharp.
I believed you , now I'm just an fool, a fool about to hit a wall, now I don't even have you to catch me as I fall. I thought so many things about you and me. Now I just want to run and hide because of what I did, I have shame, I only have myself to blame. You have a lot to loose that woman loves you. She was in tears, when she showed up here.
Why can't you feel, the love she has for you is once in a lifetime kinda of deal, you should be honorable to such a precious thing. What we have is nothing , she is your everything.

I've been up watching your chest rise and fall if you don't go now I know you won't leave at all.
You were not in any shape to drive. Now you seem alright to go. Please, leave you can't stay with me you already ripped my heart apart.
You can take your sorry with you. I don't need have much but I was willing to give it to you. That was before you used me.
© jun.klost96#broken

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