

The discovery of Love💓
First time..
It's the first time ..
When I open up to someone..
And that someone is you..
I never have had this feeling before...
I don't know why but it feels so surreal..
So imaginary..
You are everything..
Any girl can desire..
And I am lucky enough to have you all for myself..
I don't know if I am being selfish or not but I want to have you all for myself in future as well..
I don't wanna share ..
You know what?
I don't know much about love..
About being loved..
But the feeling you gave me..
I don't have the words to describe..
And I realise what love is?
So for me my discovery of love is you ..
Coz I can't live widout u..
Old works
© Ishu.writes❤️