

I exist ...
Or not...

Struggling to proof
That I exist
Trying to light my room of darkness ...

I know ,
I m not a genius
Nor a ne' er- do- well....

But I try.....
I try to be someone
Worthy of care ,
Worthy of attention.....

I m fighting with myself everyday.....
To fit in the image you created ....

Hiding my tears...
Silencing my words...sobs...screams....

Starving for warmth......

I exist
Must be a reason

Dont treat me like the drain water...
Which you throw away
For you dont find it useful...

For that water can be filtered....
And used again.....
Just need an effort.....

I know , I m weak....
I cannot do manythings...

But please ,

Look at the things I can do.....
For everyone has a rainbow of their own...
I cannot look at the rainbow that you see....

I exist...
Could you have a look ?..

© Mohsina Rahman