

A Fight Against Corona
The days too eventually fell silent,
By an invader, who's such a cruel tyrant.
No sounds, not even by the crows,
Only doctors and cops you see,
working to and fro.
All you could hear was the sound of,
Fear knocking on the doors,
Fear, that has frightened people to their cores.
With limited stock, people doing their chores,
Damn you Corona, to me, you seem like a blood river having no shore,
When will the school reopen, when will we take the class??
To the parents kids usually ask, while looking through the glass.
Masks, the new fashion, sanitizers in trend,
20 lakh crore relief package to poor, our government amends.
Lakhs of people died around the world,
Still no vaccine found to the virus that whirls.
Many buried, only few revived,
leaving too many deprived.
Even if the pandemic ends,
We will be left with so much to mend.
With this poem that I have penned,
Conveying the message that government sends,
We need, be self dependent and contend,
And by working together and following social distancing ,my friend,
We will be able tying the loose end.