

(No Title)
You do not understand
The nightmares I've endured
The torments I suffered
The pain I burden
The grasp of death I try to avoid

You do not understand
The tantamount of useless babbles
The wasted words
The imperfect partial of eloquence
I would have to go through

Oh, such is a cruel world
Cruel, nay
Mischievous and cunning
Ignorant and miscommunicated
Pitiful and hateful

I despised
and will despise everything
Until eventually
Nothing would be left
to reason myself
of this hatred

To you,
Do you understand?
Do you care?
Do you feel the soul
Cry out as it tries to break free
From the shackles you set yourself into

It's nothing more than a rotten beast
My soul that is.......

Oh, que Dieu ait pitié de cette âme.

© listless