


Who are you?
You ask yourself 86400 times each day.
Yet you think you don't know the answer.
Deep down I think you know just who you are.
Well, let me remind you.

You have a split personality.
You are black and white.
Warm and cold.
Some people consider this conduct to be hypocritic.
You think it's your super power.
Maybe you can be a spy.

You think you are apathetic.
You have told yourself this lie to extent that you actually believe it.
Maybe that's why you have few friends.
But I think that's a good thing.

You say you're not good with people.
We all know that is another lie.
You really understand people.
Maybe it's because you are smart.
Yeah I said smart.

You have immense wisdom and understanding.
But you don't actually believe that
Because you're self conscious.
You underestimate yourself.

You value great people too much.
Maybe that's why you have low self esteem.
You have great potential.
If only you could realize how intelligent you are
You could become greater than the ones you idolize.