

Russian Roulette
“I love you” shouldn’t be a game of Russian Roulette,
You don’t get to load the gun when you drop those words, then ignore the pain or regret.
“I love you” shouldn’t be loaded into a chamber as a means to an end,
Spin the barrel just to see if the heart breaks or mends.
“You disappoint me but I Love You, so I’ll deal with it today,”
Ok, you think, that’s not so bad address the issue and continue on our way.
“I didn’t mean to call you lazy, dumb, or not enough…
You know I Love You but you make this so difficult, so tough.”
Unsure of how to take this you grab the gun, shoot, but fire off an empty round,
See, they hurt you with words but it wasn’t so bad because the I Love You’s came around.
“Your selfish and exhausting! Why can’t you just do what I say?”
“I don’t understand how you are so dumb! I tell you I Love You everyday!”
Glancing at the gun, should you pull the trigger once more?
Are you wrong because you notice the red flags that have shattered you before?
Having someone say “I love you” as a means to justify their ugly ways,
Is torture for the one recieving it, do they just accept it as part of a suicidal haze?
Working through issues, discussing personal ideas, thoughts, and beliefs,
Are all very much vital when planting the “I love you” seeds.
However, when one person is silenced, or ignored, or their feelings overlooked,
“I love you” can start to feel like a traitor, like deception by a smooth crook.
“You don’t know yourself at all! You refuse to listen to me!”
You remain silent but think, “yes I do know myself, I’ve lived with it for an eternity.”
You slink away, pick up the gun, hold it to your chest,
The empty chamber clicks, well they did say I love you, so they must know you best.
The confusion settles in,...