

The Tapestry of Friendship
In school corridors, we crossed paths,
Different classes, yet fate's subtle drafts.
Eight years passed, then destiny aligned,
Same class, new beginnings, our bond defined.

A trip to Udaipur, we shared the ride,
Strangers then, but future side by side.
God's plan unfolded, unknown to us two,
Best friends forever, a bond anew.

Seven years of laughter, tears, and fun,
Through every up and down, we've begun.
From strangers to inseparables, we grew,
Beyond friendship, our hearts renew.

In each other's eyes, our souls reside,
Oneness of spirit, our hearts abide.

Our bond has strengthened, through every test,
A friendship miracle, forever blessed.

Now, as we pursue our degree,
Our friendship remains a constant spree.
In each other's company, we find our peace.

In the tapestry of life, our threads entwine,
A beautiful friendship, forever divine.

© Growing Spirit