

My Bitter Mind
There’s something about being human,
A simultaneous blessing and curse, so it seems.
A double-edged sword of fighting off demons,
yet finding them in all of our cracks and our seams.

I can’t trust my mind on a good day.
My amygdala lights up at the faintest of creaks.
Worry and self-doubt lead me so far astray,
I’m not sure if the voice in my head even speaks.

It’s not that I don’t have a hobby.
It’s not my relentless desire to sleep.
Gratitude for the world, my mind and my body
is a mindset it seems I never can keep.

My Id begs everybody for patience.
My ego is screaming and grasping at straws
to unravel the turmoil and my superego’s complacence
to the trauma my conscience for so long has endured.

So I try to unravel the chaos,
tell family that my colour has all turned to black
but I’m reminded that anguish is a lonely man’s loss,
and that the world is kinder when you pretend as though you love it back.

© Jodes.D