

Jacob's Love for Rachel ❤️
So thus it began from a land far beyond our time.
A love poised to be fruitful and to multiply, so great he had love for this woman, Rachel after his heart.
He made no secret of his love for her, she is the first in his eyes and heart.
This is so great that he thought and prayed it came to no fault.
Not of his, nor any, for he was running from a past where he played another for blessings and good luck.

While speaking, thus this beauty came bearing her father's sheep.
Jacob's excitement arose, and he lifted his voice, welcoming her with a hug and Kiss.
I am but Jacob, from Canaan, Isaac's second son and Rebekah's twin.
And How have I not met a beauty so clean, one that would bring any man to a halt?
Please bring me unto him, Laban; but before that, he rolled the stone from the well and watered her flock.

When Laban saw him, he arose to welcome him and brought him to the house.
He stayed with him a month, but continually saw that Rachel was beautiful of appearance and form.
But he took no notice of Leah the older sister, although her eyes were delicate, but Rachel had his heart and Love.
Laban said, because you are my kin, then shall you serve me for nothing? Tell me what would your wage be?
And he said, seven years I will serve you for her, Rachel, that we both share our lives forever to be.

Rachel's father understood and said; stay with me, It is better I give her to you than to another.
And seven years seemed only but a few days, because he had love for her he was dying to acquire.
But for these seven years he had wasted, for he was given Leah, Rachel's older sister.
What is it you have done to me, was it not Rachel I served you for, why have you deceived me?
And he, Jacob, served another seven years for Rachel, for this love he was keen, and wanted so badly to be.


© michael_Snelder