

Empathy is not tragedy
Empathy is not tragedy. These is no tragedy in being empathetic, empathic, caring, kind or sensitive. Feeling emotions that are unique to every individual human being is not a problem, issue or tragedy. Every human being has the right to feel anger, sadness, pain, happiness, excitement, love, worry, concern, unsure and however they naturally feel; Without another person grooming them to suppress or feel it differently to how they are able to and also know they feel.

Conformity, grooming and conditioning is human conditioning; And human conditioning is somehow defined separately to conditioning. Because ‘the human condition’ is an approved science of what the human condition supposedly is and should be. But to condition a person means ‘the process of training or accustoming a person or animal to behave in a certain way or to accept certain circumstances’, this is also called Classical Conditioning and is also Behavioural Psychology by Ivan Pavlov. That is what science is also based on. So are children learning human conditioning or human anatomy? Which is it?

Because science also doesn’t accurately represent human anatomy either; The people, especially women, who have been conditioned to still believe...